auto, auto&, auto&&

Wtf is the type?

When I first used C++ in college around 2015, I thought auto is the coolest feature of C++. Unlike Java, now I don’t have to write long type names anymore (Java was my 1st programming language and var type inference was not available at the time). However, I have no idea how auto works and thought it was just magic.

Now, 8 years later, I finally settle down and read through several books about C++. I start to realize how much time I have wasted on voodoo programming and the fun I have missed from not going deep.

Let’s dive right in. Starting with the simple question, what is the type of x? in each line?

int y = 888;

auto x0 = 888;
const auto x1 = y;
const auto& x2 = y;
auto& x3 = y;
auto&& x4 = y;
auto&& x5 = 888;


x0: int
x1: int const
x2: int const&
x3: int&
x4: int&
x5: int&&

The answer shouldn’t be surprising except for x4. Didn’t I just try to request for an rvalue with auto&&?

rvalue is a prvalue (pure rvalue) or xvalue (expiring value). - As explained here.

The way I try to differentiate lvalue vs rvalue is that we can take address of an lvalue but we cannot take address of an rvalue.

with auto&&, we’re trying to get an universal reference, which I will explain later.

Before looking at how auto type deduction works, let’s see another example with y being const int.

const int y = 888;

The result becomes:

x0: int
x1: int const
x2: int const&
x3: int const&
x4: int const&

How come x3 is not int& here?

“Well, if I can easily get a non-const reference of y (which is const) by auto& x3 = y;, I seriously doubt the legitimacy of the constness concept - so it has to be this way”

Now that’s a post-hoc thought after I know the answer. I should stop taking guesses and try to understand instead.

How does auto type deduction work then?

Before going to the answer, we need to understand how does template type deduction work. - because template type deduction and auto type deduction works exactly the same.

Template Type Deduction

I’ll refer to this as TTD for short

Template type deduction tries to answer the question: What is param’s type for the following code?

  • ParamType is some expression of T. e.g.(T, T&, T&&, …).
template <typename T>
void myFunction(ParamType param);

//call site

The answer depends on what ParamType is. There are 3 cases:

1. ParamType is neither a pointer nor reference.

template <typename T>
void myFunction1(T param); 

template <typename T>
void myFunction2(const T param); 

const MyType t1;
MyType t2;
myFunction1(t1); //example 1, T is MyType, ParamType is MyType
myFunction2(t2); //example 2, T is MyType, ParamType is MyType const

This is the easiest case. No matter what expr is, the const-ness const of expr is dropped, then const-ness of ParamType is applied base on the expression of ParamType (what kind of T is it?).

  • Example 1, T is deduced to by MyType by dropping const-ness of t1, then ParamType becomes MyType as it’s expression is simply T in myFunction1.

  • Example 2, T is deduced to by MyType, then const is applied as part of the expression of ParamType (const T) in myFunction2.

The template functions that fit this case are passing parameters by-copy, so it makes sense that the TTD behaves this way. aka, We’re already using by-copy, why do we care about const-ness of input.

2. ParamType is a reference or Pointer, but not universal reference (T&&).

template <typename T>
void myFunction3(T& param); 

template <typename T>
void myFunction4(const T* param); 

//using t2 from above
const volatile MyType& t3 = t2;
MyType* ptr1;
myFunction3(t3); //example 3, T is MyType const volatile, ParamType is MyType const volatile&
myFunction4(ptr1); //example 4, T is MyType*, ParamType is MyType const*

In this case, reference-ness and pointer-ness is ignored, but cv-ness (const and volatile) is preserved for deducing T. Then, cv-ness of ParamType is applied based on the expression of ParamType.

  • Example 3, T is deduced to MyType const volatile by dropping & (reference-ness of) t3, then ParamType becomes MyType const volatile& as it’s expression is T& in myFunction3.

  • Example 4, T is deduced to MyType by dropping * (pointer-ness) of ptr1, then ParamType becomes MyType const* as it’s expression is const T* in myFunction3.

This behavior all makes sense to me as we certainly want to preserve cv-ness of pointers or references, otherwise the cv-ness becomes vulnerable if not pointless.

3. ParamType is a Universal Reference (T&&).

Universal reference is a term in the book (Effective Modern C++ - Scott Meyers), and we use it to distinguish between (lvalue reference MyType&, rvalue MyType&&, and universal referenceT&& or auto&&). A universal reference can be an lvalue reference or rvalue depending on other inputs.

template <typename T>
void myFunction5(T&& param); //T&& is an universal reference 

MyType t4;
const volatile MyType& t5 = t4;

myFunction5(t4); //example 5, T is MyType&, ParamType is MyType&
myFunction5(t5); //example 6, T is MyType const volatile&, ParamType is MyType const volatile&
myFunction5(move(t4)); //example 7, T is MyType, ParamType is MyType&&
myFunction5(233); //example 8, T is int, ParamType is int&&

myFunction5(move(t5)); //example 9, T is MyType const volatile, ParamType is MyType const volatile&&

This looks complicated to me at first, but all we need to figure out is what type is expr at call site myFunction(expr).

  • If expr is an lvalue,
    • T is deduced to be the lvalue reference type with the same qualifiers (cv-ness).
    • ParamType is deduced to the same type as T.

      • Example 5, T is deduced to t5 MyType’s reference type, which is MyType&, then ParamType is the same.
      • Example 6, T is deduced to t5 MyType const volatile&’s reference type, which is itself MyType const volatile&, then ParamType is the same.

        The result of reference to reference is explained by the behavior of reference collapsing.

  • Otherwise - if expr is an rvalue,
    • T is deduced to be the rvalue’s type dropping the rvalue reference &&.
    • ParamType is deduced to the rvalue type by re-adding && to the type T deduced above.

      • Example 7, move(t4)’s type is MyType&&. T is deduced to MyType by dropping && then ParamType becomes MyType&& by re-adding && to T.
      • Example 8, 233’s type is int&&. T is deduced to int by dropping &&, then ParamType becomes int&& by re-adding && to T.

Obviously, example 9 is violating these rules, and it has to do with how c++ deal with moving const values specifically. After reading this article, I think that topic deserves it’s own article, so I’m adding this topic as a [todo] to my backlog.

[todo] Explain example 9.


Now that we know how TTD works, we can figure out auto type deduction with the same logic. Given code like this:

[const/volatile qualifiers] auto[reference-ness (&, &&) or pointer-ness (*)]t = expr;

We can figure out t’s type by substituting auto with T and plug it into the template function below as if we are calling myFunction and try to figure out ParamType.

template <typename T>

void myFunction([const/volatile qualifiers] T[reference-ness or pointer-ness] param); myFunction(expr) //call site

For example,

MyType t4;
const volatile MyType& t5 = t4;
auto&& t4_auto = t5;

t4_auto’s type is equivalent to param’s type as in this function below, which is MyType const volatile &

// same as example 6
template <typename T>
void myFunction5(T&& param); 



  • This article serves as a study note for myself, and all the information is either a blatant copy or rephrasing of chapters in Effective Modern C++ by Scott Meyers.
  • Any suggestion/correction for this article is welcomed. Please make a PR here.

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